“The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.”― Charles Spurgeon
Be a lion for the Lamb!

Depth by Drama
Dramatic Discipling
Do you have a passion for reaching the world with the truth of the Word of God? Are you wanting to see transformation in others as well as in yourself? Explore this fascinating and in-depth instructional guide to find out how...
About Acting Out His Word Ministries
and its founder Michael W. Merker
Acting Out His Word Ministries is the latest incarnation of a work that was started in 1981 when Michael W. Merker, a professional theater worker in Chicago, became a Christian. He started forming and working with troupes of like-minded perrformers, and wrote and directed dramatic works to promote Bible literacy. After discovering the depth of discipleship such activities offer the performers, he started this ministry that others might embrace the vision: "Every ear to hear, every heart to hope!"